This post was originally posted on:https://theedvolution.com/math-games-for-kids/
Math games for kids are an interesting way to teaching mental math to your kids. Because, only few out of many students find math an interesting subject. Others think math as a nightmare or face math anxiety. Majority takes math as numbers and fails to grasp the real life application of math. Simple mathematical concepts appear to be difficult to many students because of less motivating teaching strategies followed by conventional teaching method.
For making math interesting and captivating we can use some simple but interesting math games. Let’s explore some interesting and simple math games for kids,
Hopscotch Math Game

Hopscotch is one of the oldest and favorite traditional games from many years. This simple object retrieval game encompasses many physical and social benefits. Apart from these, we also achieve cognitive benefits as well. Let’s merge it with math as well.
How to play
For Hopscotch Math Games, we only need some chalk and stone.
A hopscotch area similar to a calculator is drawn on the pathway and make sure squares are close enough to jump. A player tosses stone and jumps on squares to complete the equation. Jumping can be done with one foot for odd numbers and with two feet for even numbers.
The difficulty level can be increased according to the child’s age by increasing numbers in the calculator, going for multiplication and division sums.
A player keeps on playing until he makes mistake or jumps on line. A player who reaches the number 9 or the maximum number wins.
“101” and Out Math Game
This is a simple yet great game for polishing the addition skills of students. We need a paper, a pencil and dice. This math game can be played in many teams. A participant tosses a dice and is allowed to use that number either as units or can take as tens. For example; if a participant rolls a dice and dice show up 2 the team may take it as 20 or 2 depending on their requirement.
The task is to reach close to 101 as fast as possible. They toss and keep on adding until they reach near to 101. The team that reaches first wins. Through this simple game, mental math skills are enhanced.

Addition and Subtraction through Cards Math Game
For this simple yet interesting game, we just need cards with a number on it. Simply write numbers on cards. This game can be played by more than two players at a time. Each player is allowed to pick two cards and has to add or subtract according to the task given. If the answer is correct he gets the card otherwise put it back in the deck. In the end, the player with most cards wins the game. To increase difficulty or to level up we may use three cards at a same time. Or to make it more interesting we may also play a multiplication game with same cards.
Simon Says Math Game
The classic game of all the time is Simon says. This is similar to follow the leader. The task is to follow the directives of Simon who is your leader. And Simon’s task is to confuse the follower. The one who stands till the end wins the game. Wouldn’t it be interesting if math and Simon joins hand together for making math fun? YES! So just check it out; HOW?
This could be used as an ice breaker or for making classroom math as fun. This is a multi-player game and the one that stands till the end or completes all the tasks wins.
In this game, Simon provides variety of tasks related to math concepts. Simple tasks for kindergarten or can use logical or rational tasks for elders.
Simon’s task may vary. Let’s consider some basic tasks that Simon can use. Simon can say count till 5 or jump 7 times or clap 3 times. Move and make circle, triangle or star.
For clear and better understanding of Geometrical concepts Simon may play a vital role. Let’s play Simon says and embed geometry in it. Simon may provide directions to show different angles and different lines by using hands. Let Simon say make right angle or acute angle. Make parallel or perpendicular lines.
LEGO Math Games

Legos are construction toys that are made up of plastic. Being colorful and small in size stimulates child’s creativity for endless possibilities. Being popular among kids, these Lego blocks can help to inculcate mathematical concepts. A math teacher may use Lego for variety of math concepts and can make learning math engaging.
Let’s explore how to use lego for mathematical concepts.
Lego helps in learning the following mathematical concepts,
- Number formation and recognition
- Counting
- Making number line
- Learning the concepts of ones and tens
- Addition and subtraction
- Clock and learning time
- Learning fractions
- Graphical representation can also be learned
By using simple and easy-to-access materials we may transform our classroom learning from conventional teaching methods to modern teaching. This way a child feels more participating and takes the broader concept rather than math only being numbers.