This post was originally published on:https://theedvolution.com/what-is-steam-education-and-why-it-is-important-for-your-kids/
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics)
Wooooooo! hold on. I am talking about STEAM and the STEM system of Education here. I know I got you confused with the title but I would like to share my perception of the next century. We are heading towards the 21st Century. Count down is started if we can hear the steps of passing years. Every year is leaving eroded, changed, and modified world behind. I can feel the echoing sounds. What will be the curriculum changed to by then? What would be the subjects our grand, grand, grand… to grandchildren would study? How they will face the shaped world with the same transmitted knowledge? Will they be able to mend, fit and apply their knowledge to fight with the natural and situational complications of their life at that time?
You must be wondering, What put me to ponder, not other than Our current Schooling System.
It is based on cramming and rote learning. We mainly prepare our children to get good grades only. We don’t promote learning in our schools and universities rather than we forced kids to reproduce the same content, word to word in order to get good marks. Freaking true! that our young talented minds who have been granted with best mental abilities by God to think and create using their prime cognitive skills, get the hidden message of not using their own brains. I don’t want to motivate you to feed the same perception and see the prospect from my glasses, please !! use your brain and create your understanding about the topic…lol
Contrary to cramming and rote learning I can see a shift of light in the form of STEM and STEAM learning which mainly focuses on hands-on and experiential learning than just memorizing. If I try to simplify. it’s difference of filling up one's plate with either vegetable as a whole which may or may not fit in your plate and you might throw halfway or with a nice juicy vegetable salad of your own choice.
Comparison of Rote Learning and STEAM Education
I am presenting the comparison of rote and hands-on learning now for you to develop a sound understanding of the topic being trumpeted by me….lol
- Rote learning doesn’t allow thinking or deeper understanding
- It’s hard to retain the connection between previous and newly gained knowledge
- Mainly revolves around memorizing, if you are not good at it…you are doomed…lol
- It doesn’t leave room for changes according to the fitness of the purpose
However, STEAM showcases
- Active, constructive, and lifelong learning which keeps minds engaged in the learning process
- Encourages understanding, not memorizing
- Focuses on the processes as well as outcomes
- Relates new information to prior knowledge
- And above all, it is like the difference of drawing a car on paper VS making and designing a real car.
With practice-based learning, you combine theory and work experience with a strategic, reflective process throughout the duration of your learning. You implement the theory in the classroom as you learn it, assess its effectiveness and revisit your initial framework according to what’s useful in reality. Did I trigger some of your cognition???
The main purposes of practical work are to activate students, aiding them to develop many important skills. In fact, practical work can support learning in a variety of ways ranging from ‘Personal learning and thinking skills to ‘How science works’ (E Woodley).
Importance of STEAM Education in Early Years
Teaching STEAM in the early years enables children to make those vital connections between everyday life and the STEM disciplines. It also lays down the foundations for future academic success because the skills learned are transferable to other subjects.
Inquiry-based teaching (IBT) and improving school climate are the two most commonly used strategies for fostering learning and critical thinking skills in students.
The study of above-mentioned subjects, Science, Engineering, Art, Mathematics are gaining popularity day by day as people are now thinking about applied studies. Applied subjects are important in another way. It makes us practical and methodical, rational, realistic, and scientific which is essential for leading a progressive life. We cannot do justice with the learning of the young generation, without inculcating the scientific approach in schooling. Coding and software development are part of full STEAM education, and students benefit from receiving instruction in these technical areas. Educational robotics (ER) is increasingly used in classrooms to implement activities aimed at fostering the development of students’ computational thinking (CT) skills.
“Some read for style, and some for argument: one has little care about the sentiment, he observes only how it is expressed; another regards not the conclusion, but is diligent to mark how it is inferred; they read for other purposes than the attainment of practical knowledge; and are no more likely to grow wise by an examination of a treatise of moral prudence, than an architect to inflame his devotion by considering attentively the proportions of a temple.” ~ Samuel Johnson
Let’s talk about why we need to shift to inquiry-based, hands-on, practical curriculum?
Twenty-first-century communication has changed how we connect to the rest of the world. Therefore, it requires the preparation of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) students. The reason is that the world is either deteriorating or developing, change is a must so we need to set up a system of learning which nurtures growing minds who knows how to apply knowledge and put it to the test for future improvement according to the situation.
It is widely experienced and trusted now that degree of practical subjects is mere papers. People are shifting on skills development. Employers are more concerned about the skills of their employees than the degree they have to show. America is showing its tilt towards hiring individuals with skill than a degree person, is spreading like a recent rumor these days.
We need to transform to skilled, thinking humans now! there is no way out other than accepting the fact that the road of rote learning ends here.